Together We Do Better

About Us

Our ground-breaking collective knowledge and expertise helps investors maximise value creation while supporting organisations in transition towards net zero in 2050.

A bold direction


We believe that when dedicated and visionary individuals unite, transformative change is within reach. As a leading private equity fund, we are deeply committed to sustainability and green initiatives. We challenge traditional paradigms to drive significant, positive advancements for our investors, the financial sector, and the global community. With our vast expertise and diverse perspectives, we stand united in our relentless pursuit to shape a sustainable and prosperous future.

Our Vision

To consolidate the entire investment lifecycle into an integrated platform, redefining the future of private equity and sustainable asset management.

We have a vision for the future of private equity and sustainable investment.

We are consistently forward-thinking, leveraging our extensive experience and comprehensive expertise in private equity to address your distinct investment challenges. Our aim is to surpass your expectations and deliver tangible value to your portfolio’s growth.


We foresee potential obstacles and proactively cultivate new strategies to meet the ever-changing demands of our investors. Our unwavering commitment to innovation results in smarter investment approaches and technologies that streamline and enhance our portfolio management.


Our extensive expertise across various sectors and markets empowers us to devise tailored solutions for each investment’s intricate challenges. We assemble the optimal team to chart the most promising path forward, merging knowledge and experience to help you envision new horizons in private equity.

Our Commitments

We know that every decision has an impact


We will never compromise on the positive impact of our investments. Our aim is to achieve zero negative repercussions, ensuring our portfolio not only leads in returns but also in sustainable and impactful contributions.


We transcend traditional sustainable investments, embracing a comprehensive ethos of corporate stewardship. By prioritizing partners, people, projects, practices, and places, we've crafted a blueprint for pioneering sustainable private equity.


We go beyond mere project completion, innovatively crafting strategies to surpass anticipated outcomes. Our commitment to operational brilliance embeds quality tenets that visibly showcase our achievements in sustainable private equity.

A bold direction

Who We Are

At our esteemed investment company, we take pride in our highly competent team, a dynamic blend of individuals from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique expertise and extensive experience to the table. Our collective wisdom — accumulated from various sectors of finance, investment, and technology — is our greatest strength. This unique amalgamation allows us to devise innovative investing strategies, thereby maximizing value creation. We maintain a professional ethos of utmost credibility, steadfast in our commitment to deliver exceptional results. 

A collaboration between partners, all experts in identifying and maximising growth opportunities, we decided to take matters into our own hands with regard to ESG and SRI prioritised investments.

With startling accuracy, our organisation not only connects investors with responsible opportunities, but it helps businesses in transition realise their goals. This dual-pronged approach creates the ideal environment to support both acquisition and asset management strategies rooted in productivity, growth and longevity.

GSI believes that by harnessing decades of expertise alongside organisational and technological developments, we can do better — for investors and for the planet.

With a comprehensive understanding of the modern financial landscape, GSI accurately anticipates the needs of the future.

ESG and SRI prioritisation are fundamental components of modern investing and the foundation of our philosophy.

The future cannot be profitable without change. Our approach pairs realistic and scalable transition towards sustainability with powerful value creation.

Our Mission

We never stop thinking about reshaping the future

As a nimble team of experienced acquisition and asset management advisors, we harness the power of technology to our advantage.

We utilise analysis tools that allow us to forecast behaviours with accuracy. Our tools are living and breathing, constantly adapting to the market and the needs of our partners. Due to our flexibility and agility, GSI can identify unique opportunities in the market.

Unlike other start-ups, GSI is backed by decades of traditional investment facilitation across multiple growth sectors. A trusted family office.

Pairing this knowledge with technology-led analytics provides investors with hard predictive data that mitigates risk.

Our strong relationships are the backbone of all our endeavours and we pride ourselves on consistently exceeding expectations.

Future Centric

Through the strategic utilization of advanced analytical technology and a forward-thinking approach to data interpretation, our primary objective is to accomplish superior investment outcomes.

Our ultimate goal is not solely focused on monetary gains but also encompasses the broader perspective of benefiting both humanity and our environment. We continuously strive to create a balanced symbiosis between economic prosperity and environmental sustainability, thereby stimulating a robust and profitable future for all.

Smarter not Harder

With an unwavering commitment to surpassing investor expectations, our approach is rooted in the principle of 'working intelligently, not just industriously.' By strategically channeling our efforts, we aim to accomplish investment objectives that don't merely meet the status quo, but rather elevate it.

Our intelligent investment methodologies enable us to skillfully allocate resources and time, thereby enhancing efficiency. This strategic utilization of resources is not just about saving time, but about investing it wisely to extract maximum value. By doing so, we can devote greater focus and efforts towards maintaining and nurturing a diversified investment portfolio.

Reputation for Results

Global Sustainable Investments (GSI) endeavors to cultivate a distinguished reputation that exemplifies our dedication to achieving concrete outcomes. Our approach to investment is threefold - we focus on financial gains, on enhancing the lives of people, and on enriching the planet that we all call home.

Our underlying belief is that a planet where all its inhabitants can reap the benefits of profitability sustains all life forms that inhabit it. This is more than just a belief, it is a commitment – a promise that we make to all our stakeholders. And it is this commitment that forms the cornerstone of our business philosophy; it is the ethos that drives us to strive continually towards achieving it.

Our reputation is intrinsically linked to our ability to fulfil this noble objective. Consequently, we do not merely strive to meet this goal; we strive to exceed it, because our reputation, in its entirety, hinges on our success in delivering on this commitment. It is the one key element that differentiates us and adds significant value to our brand in this competitive marketplace.

Our Core Values

Passion. Integrity. Hard work. Professionalism. Caring.

These foundational principles have guided us from our inception, shaping our identity and approach in sustainable private equity. Nothing invigorates us more than reshaping the investment landscape — and we achieve this by upholding rigorous standards, aiming for excellence, fostering trust, and elevating the communities we engage with.

Meet our team